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Website Analytics

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How will you know
if you’re successful ?

This question is asked of our clients.
Clearly defining outcomes leads to digital marketing success. This is where we start. Working with our clients to set digital marketing goals and objectives set them up for success. Website analytics is the tool to get there.

Digital marketing objectives must be measurable, specific and meaningful.
Measurement is where website analytics comes in. We set up or optimize analytics accounts to track meaningful data that relates to meeting objectives. We present data to our clients in useful web analytics reports that are easy to understand.

It is the insights from the data that lead to meaningful actions.
At Digital Punch, we are passionate about understanding our clients’ business priorities, creating optimal custom reports to measure success and delivering insights and recommended action.

Google Analytics Consulting Process

Define website or app goals and objectives

Set up or audit existing analytics account

Create customized reports or dashboards

Provide insights to optimize your online presence